Thursday, December 22, 2011

Were they really cowgirls?

Friendship is such a wonderful thing.  After a series of career moves over the years, we’ve chalked up a healthy list of people we consider good friends – from Iowa and Oklahoma to Mississippi and Pennsylvania.

Except for Nebraska friends with whom we grew up, most of those friendships were established and developed over just a few short years.  But in many instances, we’ve kept in touch with these friends from elsewhere and continue nurturing the friendships.

We’re intrigued by the fact that so many people of our parents’ generation were often life-long friends.  People with whom they went to school, worked, and grew old.  Friends who confided in one another and – during good times and bad – helped each other.

Such was the special and long-time friendship of Lettie Miller and Gladys (Warren) Beamish.

We’ve heard stories of how these ladies, hard working but fun loving, used to celebrate Halloween to the fullest extent – dressing up in some remarkably innovative costumes.

It tickled us recently when we came across this old photo – taken in about 1947 on the Vince Braddock place north of Chadron.  We don’t think it was Halloween, although it may well have been in October.  No doubt about it, they were in costume!

Billy Beamish – about four years old – is shown at the left with his dog Ringo.  They both seem a bit bewildered by the antics of the two gunslingers on the right, Lettie (Maiden) Miller and Gladys (Warren) Beamish.

This image, we think, captures the light-hearted antics that these two ladies shared with one another.  Perhaps folks who’ve known them and their spouses -- John Miller and Warren Beamish  -- might contend that the girls' tomfoolery was a way of complementing the more reserved (some might say dour) personalities of their husbands!

Far be it from us to assign such motives.  In any event, these two ladies did have fun!

Lettie Miller passed away in Chadron in 1998 at age 77.  Gladys Beamish still lives in Chadron and remains quite active for a young lady in her 80’s!

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